Error: Unable to decrypt data results in Metamask Hardhat Local Blockchain
When an error occurs while decoding data from the Ethereum blockchain, the MetaMask library usually returns the message “error: could not decrypt result data”. In this case, we are using Hardhat to interact with the local blockchain instance and there is a problem with the Metamask library.
Step 1: Check the MetaMask library documentation
Before diving into the code, be sure to check the official MetaMask library documentation for the specific error message you are receiving. Specifically, check the [Error 2] section of the documentation, which explains that this error can occur when using the “encode” function to decrypt data from the Ethereum blockchain.
Step 2: Check the Hardhat configuration
Hardhat requires special configuration to work with the local blockchain instance. Make sure you have set up the Hardhat configuration correctly:
const hardhat = require('hardhat');
module.exports = {
// ... other configurations ...
network: {
provider: "
ethersProvider: {
host: '',
port: 8545,
gas: 2000000, // or the appropriate value for your setup
Gas price: 10000, // in vei
maxGasLimit: 15000000, // in bytes
Step 3: Verify Ethereum blockchain data
Make sure you can get data from the Ethereum blockchain without any problems. You can use the `console.log' function or a library like
`ethers.js’ to verify the data on the blockchain:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3();
// Get blockchain data from MetaMask
asynchronous function getBlockchainData() {
try {
const result = await web3.eth.blockNumber();
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.error(error); // Output: "Error: Failed to decrypt result data (value='0x', information={)"
Step 4: Test the display function
Now let’s look at your “display()” function in App.jsx:
// display.js
import {display} from 'bsc-blocks';
export default function display() {
// Your display logic here
// main.js (where you will use display())
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import display from './display';
function App() {
const [blockNumber, setBlockNumber] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// Clear any timers or events
}, []);
return (
Blockchain Number: {blockNumber}
export default-app;
In this example, we added a function “display” that uses the function “getBlockchainData()” to retrieve and display data from the Ethereum blockchain.
Step 5: Test your code
Try running the code in a local development environment (e.g. Webpack Dev Server) or use a pre-built blockchain simulator like Hardhat Local Blockchain. If you still have issues, please provide more information about your setup and code, including any relevant error messages or configurations.
I hope this helps you troubleshoot the Metamask issue on your local Hardhat blockchain!