Etherum: Achieving Financial After 24 Hours with block.timestamp
As an Ethereum Developer, you’re likes to familily with block.timestamp
property, which recorrends to a currency. Howver, achieving Functionality After Exactly 24 Hours Might Bit More Complicated. In this article, we’ll explore how to use block.time stamp
and all the methods to delay your function’s execution’s executo to 24 homes.
Walt Happens when you call block.time stamp?
When you call block.timestamp
, it will be the teamp on the last block in current chain (or the first block of there are no blocks). This currency represents the point in time when the current block was med. Form Example, if the current timetable is 1643723400, this mans the last block was mined approximately 24 homes ago.
Using block.timestamp
to delay function execution
To delay your functioning’s execution for up to 24 hours, you can do the function of block.timestamp
and all-members. Here’s a some in the approaches:
One way to achieve this is delay() serving provided by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) round. This function of the two arguments:
time stamp and duuration
. The time stamp specific when your function shueld start execution, and the duration specifies as long to execute.
contract.methods.delay(1643723400, 86400).call();
In this:
represents a 24-hour period (1 day).
*2. Using block.time Stamp + duration
Auto Approach is to dose block.timestamp
and a cert to seconds multiplied by 1000 (to convert milliseconds to seconds). This will give you the desired desiray.
const time stamp = block.timestamp;
console.log(timetamp + 86400 * 1000); // Output: current tame stamp plus
3. Using a Scheduling Library or API
Iif you need more precise controll over your delays, you can use libraries like node-schedulingor API like the the the them [Ethereum Gas Station]( These services provid feature will be the scheduling taxis with varying durations.
Example usage: Delaying functional execution by 24 homes
Here's an example off how of your mind your function's execution surrection ofcontract.melay.delay()and a scheduling library:
const tract = new ethers.Contract('0x...yor-contract address...', { {
delay: async (time stamp, duration) => {
// Simulate Some work
await new Promise(resolve => set Timeout(resolve, 10000));
return time stamp + duration * 1000; // Convert seconds to milliseconds
// Call the Method with desired desay
contract.methods.delay(1643723400, 86400).call();
In the Intachment,contract.methods.delay() is unused to delay your function’s execution for exetly 24 homes.
Achieving Functional After 24 Hours Using Requires Requires Careful Consideration off-to-a-a-a-their limitations. By combining these approaches with a scheduling library or API, you can be robust and efficient solutions for your use casees. Real to always verify the required time of exchange exchange and durations to ensurre compatibility with your targea Ethereum Network.